Thursday, July 29, 2010


Months back I was introduced to a little site called, Groupon.  Groupon allows its users to purchase items at a very discounted price in selected cities throughout the nation.  Each day is a different offer, and the user can choose whether or not to purchase the featured item, however, in order for the Groupon to go into effect, a certain amount must be purchased. 

Anywho, I waited as each day I was e-mailed a different deal until I saw something that would entice me to finally make a purchase.  That day came when Yamashiros in Los Angeles offered $80.00 worth of food and drinks for the price of $40.00.  I jumped on this right away.  Over the course of 3-4 months I had made attempts to make reservations and use my Groupon, but something always came up.  However, yesterday I spontaneously decided that Tone and I would finally go to Yamashiros.

I have heard for years that Yamashiros is the place to go if you want to impress your date.  So I told Tone to dress up and that I was going to wine and dine him.  I did not expect the food to be great (I have been told by many people to only go to Yamashiros for the view and ambiance, not the food) When I started eating my food I was surprised that the food wasn't too bad.  I even had some of Tone's food and it was pretty good! All and all I had a good time and it was nice having a nice fancy dinner with Tone, but I have to admit, I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon or at all, it's just too overpriced. 

Our table
Our view when we got there
Of course I got hot tea! This one was Jasmine, it was a bit bitter, but still hit the spot.
Tempura Calamari with Cilantro dipping sauce
A close up of the Tempura Calamari
The American Wagyu Steak cooked medium rare served with crispy onions, broccolini and roasted potatoes
Miso Black Cod served with wasabi mashed potatoes, mushrooms and mustard greens.. very yummy!
 Our view as we were leaving
Life in California... I love it.

The White House of Anahiem

My friend enticed me to attend Sunday Brunch at the White House in Anaheim for their special they are having for the month of July (anyone 18-30 years old will receive 50% off their total bill). Sweet deal right? It was hard to pass up.  Overall, I thought the food was just o.k. but the ambiance was straight out of the Gotti's living room. However, I have to say, the service was great.  My hot water was always full, champagne was flowing, and there was always someone close by ready to help. It was a good experience with friends, but I don't think I'll go out of my way to try it again. 

The front entrance of the White House
A little surprise waiting for us at the table
Some of the ambiance
Hot tea in the mornings is a must
Had to keep our water classy

First Course Meals:
Cheese filled ravioli
Italian sausage and potato soup
Calamari steaks with pasta

Second Course:
Cheesy pasta with smoked bacon
Tri Tip 

Strawberry Cake
Cream Puffs

Our own leaning Tower of Pisa

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Orochon Ramen

I discovered Orochon Ramen in Little Toyko about 3 years ago.  Tone introduced me to the place during the beginning stages of our relationship, when he was still trying to win me over.  Well, it worked and 3 years later I am still madly in love with Tone....and Orochon Ramen... It is one of my favorite places to go and get a big bowl of ramen.  I have been to a few ramen joints such as Shin Sin Gumi, Naga Naga, Ajisen Ramen all in the SGV, but nothing has come close to Orochon Ramen. 

It was featured on Man vs. Food a while back, and the host decided he would take on the Special 2 challenge.  The Special 2 ramen has the basic elements of a ramen noodle soup: pork and miso broth base, various slices of pork, green onions, and of course, ramen noodles.  But what makes the Special 2...well....special is that it is kicked up using various chili peppers, chili oil and a secret spice blend.  Also, the challenger must eat the entire bowl of ramen within 30 minutes in order to be featured on the Wall of Fame.  I know my body cannot take on the Special 2 challenge, but it's fun watching others do it.  I usually get the Miso based ramen, with one additional pork slice (cha su) and one soft boiled egg.  It is a must if you haven't tried it already!

Must have a refreshing drink while eating your ramen
Cold Tofu to go with hot and spicy ramen.. really helps to cleanse and cool down your palette 
Miso Ramen with 2 pork slices (cha su) and 2 eggs

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 4th Adventures

This past week was filled with all sorts of fun and exciting things.  I took a much needed week off from work for some R&R and found myself exploring Costa Mesa, Santa Monica, Las Vegas and ending my trip in San Deigo.  It was crazy, but my kind of crazy! Here are just a few photos from this weekend.  ENJOY!

on the way to Las Vegas
Things got fiery during 4th of July
Fireworks at my cousin's house has been a tradition for years
the neighbors were lighting up fireworks too!
another shot of the neighbors fireworks
Brunch in San Diego at El Vitral, it was very good!
After a long night out, green tea was the choice of drink.  I loved the egg shaped tea sifter. 
Traditional Guacamole
Mahi Mahi Ceviche
Al Pastor Tacos
Huevos Rancheros
Emoleadas (this is what I ordered! It was too good! Chicken wrapped in corn torillas topped with mole)
Omelette filled with mushrooms and zucchini flowers topped with red sauce
Carne Asada Tacos
Stuffed French Toast
Crema Corn with mushrooms
Yummy Rice
This is what was left when we were all done... :)