Monday, May 31, 2010

Smoky inspirations

In honor of Memorial Day I decided to smoke some yummy meats today for Sunday's dinner.  I was inspired earlier this week from reading my friend's blog.( Check out the yummy smoked chicken! ) She had this amazing photo of the smoked chicken her husband made.  A few months back, my brother bought an electric smoker and it has been a godsend for us.  Before using the smoker, we always add some type of soaked wood chips.  Today we decided on Hickory.  I had never smoked a chicken before, so I was a bit nervous, but with encouragement and a little bit of help, I was able to make some very yummy smoked BBQ chicken.  I also threw some baby back ribs into the smoker as well. Didn't want to waste the space in the smoker!

The chicken was rubbed with either jerk or chipotle seasonings then basted with BBQ sauce.  The chicken came out amazing! I was very surprised and proud.  I am already thinking of how I can improve it.  Next time, I will definitely soak the chicken in a brine before smoking to give it that something extra. 

BBQ pork ribs rubbed with a mixture of garlic and onion powder, cayenne, paprika basted with BBQ sauce.  Smoked for 2.5 hours.  I came out pretty yummy, but next time I want to cook it low and slow.  Maybe I can save it for a day that isn't filled with too many errands to run or things to do. 

Roasted garlic and rosemary red potatoes.  Yummy!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fishy Cravings

To continue from last Sunday's dinner, we had fish yet again. It was the perfect day to have a light dinner while sitting around the dining room table discussing various topics and family memories with loved ones.  
Oven roasted Cod seasoned with chipotle spices, fresh mint and lemon slices, all cooked in the oven for about 25-30 minutes.  I came out really yummy! Even Tone liked it and he typically likes his fish fried!

Served on the side was roasted corn, chopped asparagus, tomatoes, and green beans cooked together using olive oil and lots of delicious garlic. 

A few months back I went to an Italian restaurant with my girlfriends for a birthday.  We order the sauteed garlic mushrooms, and we were all blown away by these little buttons of flavor.  I was determined to make them at home.  These crimini's weren't as flavorful as the ones that inspired them, but they were definitely worth the try.

Ending our light dinner with a light dessert.  WATERMELON! YUMMY!! 

GG is growing up so quickly.  I am proud to say that she has now mastered "signing" (sign language) "all done" and truly enjoys it when we singing, Itsy Bitsy Spider to her.  The joy in her face makes it totally worth singing 10-15 times an hour.  :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A few Tasty Treats

It's amazing how much boredom ensues when your internet is down.  My wireless had been in and out for the past week and a half due to construction/remodeling going on at our home.  So before my wifi cuts out, I wanted to post up photos of some tasty treats I have been making and having the pleasure of eating. Yummy!!

Grilled Salmon seasoned with jerk seasonings and topped with basil leaves, served with a side of grilled corn

Stacked Caprese Salad with Balsamic Vinegar mixed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Turkey Lasagna
washing it all down with some Vino
I cannot take credit for this delicious sandwich.  The classic Banh Mi sandwich, that I grew up eating on a weekly basis.  I have fond memories of my family and I going to noodle houses, and all my siblings and I ever got were Banh Mi sandwiches.  The Banh Mi pictured above I got in San Gabriel Valley at a restaurant called, Banh Mi Che Cali.  2 reasons I keep coming back: one of the best Banh Mi's I have ever had, and buy 2 get 1 free all for $5.26 with tax.  Can't beat that deal.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mama Day

The big question earlier this week: What are we going to make Mom this Sunday?? My Mom is very much the traditional 1st generation Chinese woman.  Dedicated to her family, raising and taking care of a large family (6 children, husband, mother-in-law, and brother-in-law) and making sure we all had dinner every night, all while working full time with my Father at our family business.  I have learned so much from my Mom over the years, and I can only hope to be half the woman she is.  She has sacrificed tremendously for my family, and I thank her for everything she has done for us.  Thanks MaMa!

So back to the question: What are we going to make Mom this Sunday?
We knew it needed to be simple, tasty, and light.  I decided we would have a Cajun Seafood Night.  It's something we have done before, and my Mom really liked it, her only request... "not too spicy please"

So the game plan was to put king crab legs, shrimp, mussels, apple chicken sausage, and corn on the cob in a boiling pot full of water infused with paprika, cayenne, onion powder and lots of garlic.  These were the results!

 Catching my sister dropping in the Muscles!
We BBQ the Oysters until the popped slightly open, then my brother took a knife and a pair of tongs to open these bad boys.  They were so great! Once opened, they were topped with some scallions, garlic and a bit of olive oil to finish off the cooking process. 
GG wanted to jump into the pool today, but instead we redirected her to play with the grass instead, we succeeded and she was very entertained ripping apart the grass. 
Ending this post with a picture of my MaMa, GG, and my grandma, Ah-Poh.  Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's out there! 

Love you MaMa! - Ju

Monday, May 3, 2010

Playing around

I've had my Nikon d5000 for a month now, and have playing around with the different functions and learning more about photography in general.  Here are a few shots of things... enjoy!