Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fishy Cravings

To continue from last Sunday's dinner, we had fish yet again. It was the perfect day to have a light dinner while sitting around the dining room table discussing various topics and family memories with loved ones.  
Oven roasted Cod seasoned with chipotle spices, fresh mint and lemon slices, all cooked in the oven for about 25-30 minutes.  I came out really yummy! Even Tone liked it and he typically likes his fish fried!

Served on the side was roasted corn, chopped asparagus, tomatoes, and green beans cooked together using olive oil and lots of delicious garlic. 

A few months back I went to an Italian restaurant with my girlfriends for a birthday.  We order the sauteed garlic mushrooms, and we were all blown away by these little buttons of flavor.  I was determined to make them at home.  These crimini's weren't as flavorful as the ones that inspired them, but they were definitely worth the try.

Ending our light dinner with a light dessert.  WATERMELON! YUMMY!! 

GG is growing up so quickly.  I am proud to say that she has now mastered "signing" (sign language) "all done" and truly enjoys it when we singing, Itsy Bitsy Spider to her.  The joy in her face makes it totally worth singing 10-15 times an hour.  :)

1 comment:

  1. what a big girl! and look at you, ASL pro & a fine chef, geez, what CAN'T you do?? xo
