Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A few Tasty Treats

It's amazing how much boredom ensues when your internet is down.  My wireless had been in and out for the past week and a half due to construction/remodeling going on at our home.  So before my wifi cuts out, I wanted to post up photos of some tasty treats I have been making and having the pleasure of eating. Yummy!!

Grilled Salmon seasoned with jerk seasonings and topped with basil leaves, served with a side of grilled corn

Stacked Caprese Salad with Balsamic Vinegar mixed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Turkey Lasagna
washing it all down with some Vino
I cannot take credit for this delicious sandwich.  The classic Banh Mi sandwich, that I grew up eating on a weekly basis.  I have fond memories of my family and I going to noodle houses, and all my siblings and I ever got were Banh Mi sandwiches.  The Banh Mi pictured above I got in San Gabriel Valley at a restaurant called, Banh Mi Che Cali.  2 reasons I keep coming back: one of the best Banh Mi's I have ever had, and buy 2 get 1 free all for $5.26 with tax.  Can't beat that deal.

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