Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mama Day

The big question earlier this week: What are we going to make Mom this Sunday?? My Mom is very much the traditional 1st generation Chinese woman.  Dedicated to her family, raising and taking care of a large family (6 children, husband, mother-in-law, and brother-in-law) and making sure we all had dinner every night, all while working full time with my Father at our family business.  I have learned so much from my Mom over the years, and I can only hope to be half the woman she is.  She has sacrificed tremendously for my family, and I thank her for everything she has done for us.  Thanks MaMa!

So back to the question: What are we going to make Mom this Sunday?
We knew it needed to be simple, tasty, and light.  I decided we would have a Cajun Seafood Night.  It's something we have done before, and my Mom really liked it, her only request... "not too spicy please"

So the game plan was to put king crab legs, shrimp, mussels, apple chicken sausage, and corn on the cob in a boiling pot full of water infused with paprika, cayenne, onion powder and lots of garlic.  These were the results!

 Catching my sister dropping in the Muscles!
We BBQ the Oysters until the popped slightly open, then my brother took a knife and a pair of tongs to open these bad boys.  They were so great! Once opened, they were topped with some scallions, garlic and a bit of olive oil to finish off the cooking process. 
GG wanted to jump into the pool today, but instead we redirected her to play with the grass instead, we succeeded and she was very entertained ripping apart the grass. 
Ending this post with a picture of my MaMa, GG, and my grandma, Ah-Poh.  Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's out there! 

Love you MaMa! - Ju

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