Wednesday, September 28, 2011

BLT Steak

It's official people... grad school has begun and I learning to save the world one client at a time.... It's been a great experience and a lot of work! I finally found some time to blog and realized it's been a while since my last post.  I was shocked that I didn't blogged about my sister's birthday! But the more I think about it, I am more surprised my sister hasn't harassed me about her birthday blog post :) 

Anywho, my Fams and I went to BLT Steak in Los Angeles for my Sister's birthday.  I was really excited to check this place out because I really enjoyed BLT Burger in Vegas and BLT Steak is owned by the same company, so I figured it should be good right??? Well.......... there were some hits and misses throughout the meal especially in the steak department.  I've had way better aged steaks elsewhere for the same price or less.   BUT BLT Steak does have some very tasty treats that are worth a try.  BLT Steak's ambiance is very modern with a view right off of Sunset Blvd, so if you want to impress your date, you could bring them here! 

Chicken Pate with red wine.... it was Drool-a-licious 
Chicken Pate spread on baguettes 
Holy Popover!!! 
Tuna Tarar... it was beautiful and extremely delicious 
Noms!!! Raw Oysters!!
Mussels in Wine Sauce, super yummmmy!
New York Steak... this is what my baby sister ordered... and it was 10 times better than my Rib-Eye
BLT actually got this very right! Braised Short Ribs were falling off the bone and very flavorful
Our Sides: Stuffed Mushrooms, Truffle Mac-n-Cheese, Herby Tomatoes, Potato Gratin  
Peanut Butter Dessert... this was very very rich 
Housemade Donuts... um... yes please... over and over again
Souffle Crepe

1 comment:

  1. haha!! I was too busy to harassed you on the post.

