Friday, July 8, 2011

Earthen Restaurant

In my quest to consume as much Asian food as possible before making the big move, my friends and I got together at Earthen Restaurant in Hacienda Heights.  It was a cute little restaurant that cranked out some seriously good food and this place definitely satisfied my Asian food craving for the day.  Also, it was very nice to get together with my fraternal family from college and reminisce of the times of when we were young and wild.  Enjoy the photos!!! Shout out to my dear friend, photog mentor and lil bro, Warren Li for being the photographer while I enjoyed my food! :) Check out his blog! He has amazing photos!

House Chicken: crispy soy sauce goodness... hiding is a bed of sliced cucumbers which made the dish amazing!
Keeping my eyes on the prize
Beef Noodle Soup: a little spicy and filled with flavor.. super yummy!
Green Onion Pancake: one of my favorite discoveries! I started dating my Taiwanese Love almost 4.5 years ago, and one day while having dinner with his family, they ordered this and I fell in love. Earthen's was crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside.  Just the way I like it! Amazing! 
Everyone enjoyin' the yummy goodness
Mushroom and BokChoy: of course we needed to order a veggie dish.. it wouldn't be a complete chinese meal if there wasn't a plate of vegetables on our table.  These shiitake mushrooms soaked in a gooey sauce was wonderful!

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