Thursday, March 31, 2011


It has been way too long since my last post! I have been swimming in paperwork for work and barely caught up! So the few moments I do have to myself.. I have decided, it is time to update!

A while back I went to Corkbar in Los Angeles with a few good friends.  It was amazing on so many levels and I will let the photos do all the talkin'!

one of the wines we ordered that night
Cheese Plate!! Yummy Yummy Cheesy Goodness..
Cured Meats Plate... no words can describe how amazing this was!
Root Beer Braised Short Ribs served on top of Cheesy Polenta.  The meat was so tender! One of my fav's for sure
Tri Tip Salad
Hanger Steak, medium rare served on top of buttery mashed potatoes
Banana Bread Pudding.. yum!
The damage.. NOTHING was left.. my belly was very happy :)

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