Monday, September 13, 2010

Menchi Katsu Curry

This week was the first week of Wednesday Freedom! Which pretty much means I don't work on Wednesdays anymore.  I wanted to make sure I spent my first Wednesday as productive as possible.  I woke up around 11:30am, did a little bit of paperwork, watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit (a classic from my childhood) and ran some errands with Tone.  After running some errands, Tone and I decided to grab some Japanese curry from Curry House in Little Tokyo.  I ordered the Menchi Katsu, the hamburger style katsu, and while eating, I thought to myself, I can totally make this!  So I did.  It was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, but overall, I think I was able to pull it off. Here is my version.  Yumm! 
Menchi Katsu with Vermont Curry, hot dog and hard boiled egg.  

1 comment:

  1. wow julie this looks sooo good!!! im so going to learn how to cook...when um...i get my own kitchen..and no roommates...oh the possibilities...
