Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Finally.. Kogi Truck...

Several weeks ago, I got a text from Tone that the Kogi Truck was going to be at the Home Depot in El Monte.  Finally, a chance to sample the famous Kogi Taco I keep hearing marvelous things about.  So after work on a Saturday afternoon, I pull up to the Home Depot and see about 35-40 others waiting to place an order.  As I walk up to the truck, I think to myself.... "damn, this better be worth it."  As I wait in line, I am pleasantly surprised by Tone as he comes to check on my status in the line (I was purchasing enough food to feed a small army).  It was a hot day, and I was already waiting in line for at least 35-40 minutes, JUST TO PLACE AN ORDER.  As I was starting to get a little anxious, my knight in an orange apron came to my rescue,  Turns out Home Depot employee's get first priority in ordering food.  Tone placed my order and we were set for our foodie experience.  

Kogi Taco, I thought the meat was very good, but overall experience was just O.K. for me. 
Kogi Beef Burrito was tasty.  I liked the egg and kimchi that was layered in this burrito.. yummy!
Kimchi Quesadilla was great.. awesome kimchi flavors throughout
Sliders were so good, I am posting 2 photos of it!
Maybe I am a sucker for sliders, but this was my favorite... I loved the beef and the roll was so softy.. It was very very good...
Lesson from this experience: It is good to try new food and determine for myself if it is worth waiting 45+ minutes for it.  I will go back to Kogi for the Kimchi Quesadilla and the Sliders... but if I have to wait 30-45 minutes for it... I'll happily move towards the next food truck that is parked nearby.... :) 

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