Sunday, December 12, 2010


After reading countless reviews and blog posts about BLD, I finally made my way over.  Before walking through the door, I already knew my order...  I would be getting the Ricotta Blueberry Pancakes and thick cut bacon.  I am the first to admit I am NOT a pancake fan.  If I had to choose between pancakes over waffles or french toast, chances are, I wouldn't be picking the pancakes.  But I couldn't go to BLD and not order the pancakes they are so well known for.  So I gave them a chance, and it all worked out in the end, the pancakes were great! and one of the best I've ever had.  Great fluffy and creamy texture, blueberries were still in tact and nicely spread throughout my pancake, and to top it off... the portions were very big! I could have shared them with at least another person.  Service was great, food was fantastic, and my party and I were all going home happy.  Overall, great experience! On a side note, larger parties should call in for a reservation during prime time hours (9am-11am), the table was set up for us and we were immediately seated.  

nice winter themed centerpiece
WINE! hm... which one to order??
Brulee'd grapefruit ... it was a nice new way to eat grapefruit
Nutella Crepe with bananas... tasty but got a little too sweet 
Mushroom Frittata with chorizo potatoes.... super super yummy!! 
Huevos Rancheros
Side order of crisp potatoes
Eggs Benedict with chroizo potatoes... so good nothing was left on the plate afterwards... 
nueske's thick cut bacon, nice and smoky with a tasty crust on top
Ricotta Blueberry Pancakes with Berkshire Maple Syrup.... LOVED IT
Spanish Omelet with chroizo potatoes  

PS- I am seriously backed up on my posts! but promise to post throughout the week.... make sure to look out for them!!!

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