Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kimchi Beef Sandwich

This past Sunday, my family and I celebrated my grandmother's 88th birthday with a celebration at my parent's home.  We were grilling short ribs, flank steak, chicken wings and oysters, all staples at a Vong Family BBQ.  Needless to say, every one went home very full, happy, and with a doggy bag.  I think I may have left with the biggest doggy bag of raw meats to cook later on in the week.  The first 2 days were easy, I knew I would cook the short ribs and/or flank steak and serve it with vermicelli or rice with my mom's special fish sauce.  As the days went by, I realized quickly that I needed to start getting creative. I still had at least a pound of both meats left! Hm... what to do?? Then it hits me, why not make a sandwich?  It would be quick and easy.  As I go through the ice box, I quickly find a few more ingredients to include.  I found some kimchi, scallions, garlic, eggs and some rolls.  I was very happy with the end result and was even more excited because Tone was on his way home from work with a hunger the size of a bear.

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