Thursday, October 21, 2010

Class 302

I feel so spoiled this week! In the past two days I have had foodie adventures back to back! I cannot complain about that.... Life is yummy!

Last night I met up with my dear Little Sis, Jax, from the good ol' college sorority, to catch up and eat some yummy food.  Our meeting point is always the Rowland Heights/Hacienda Heights area.  She is coming from Orange County and I from LA County.  Good thing we love Asian cuisine because this area is littered with all types of Asian restaurants.  Chinese,Thai, Korean, Taiwanese and Vietnamese foods at every corner and plaza. Jax had recommended, Class 302, a small Taiwanese cafe/tea house that has amazing Shave Snow (explanation of Shaved Snow listed below).  I was introduced to Shaved Snow not too long ago when my sister brought it to my parent's place for everyone to try (one of the perks of having five siblings is when one of us tries something new and likes it, that person will then spread the wealth with the other four siblings) It was pretty tasty, but what I had at Class 302 was even better!

There was no way I would go to a tea house without ordering any tea!  Inside this vessel:  Iced Milk Tea with egg pudding.  I am pretty particular about my Milk Tea, I like it mildly sweet, a bit bitter and creamy.  This Milk Tea didn't disappoint.  It was very very good!
Side Note- make sure to order this drink in the morning or afternoon.  I had dinner at 7 and I wasn't able to fall asleep until 2:30am.  This baby is PACKED with caffeine! 
We shared a combo meal consisting of fried shrimp wrapped in wontons, pieces of chicken leg meat with rice and  pickled mustard greens and scrambled egg with steamed cabbage and carrots.  Not to shabby for around $7.00. 
The star of the show- Strawberry and Mango Shave Snow with some condensed milk.  Shaved Snow is ice finely shaved down that it literally melts in your mouth.  The texture is so creamy, and literally felt like I was eating ice cream without all the guilt! The fresh strawberries and mango were a nice flavor contrast, tart vs. sweet.  It was so yummy, I ordered one to go for Tone to try at home (his was topped with red bean and chewy rice balls)
Lastly, shout out to my lil sis and one of my closest friends', Jax.  I believe people are brought into my life for a reason and she is no exception.  Remember to always be honest with yourself and that no matter what, you are an amazing person.  Here's to all the memories! 

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