Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bouchon Las Vegas

This past weekend I was in Las Vegas for my cousin, Evelyn's Bachelorette  Party.  This trip was filled with family memories, wild fun, and lots of drunk people.  My siblings and I had been waiting for this trip for months (the last time we were all in Vegas together was over 15 years ago.  This trip was overdue.)  Of course, I told my family I would bring them to Hash House A Go Go, but when we got there, it was overcrowded and had an hour wait.  So my family turned to me to find another place for us to have lunch.... I automatically thought of Bouchon, but warned my family that it can get a bit pricey.  My brother looked at me and said, "Fuck it, we are in Vegas together.  Go Big or Go Home." So we did! Bouchon was better than the first time.  Every dish was worth every penny, the service was impeccable, and they definitely won me over to become a lifetime diner.

On a side note- Shout out to my Brother for paying for this amazing lunch.  I am so grateful for my family, especially my Brother.  He is one of the most caring and generous people I know and someone I hope my children will aspire to be like.  Or as Tone would put it, "If I had sisters, I would want to be the type of brother that Dave is." Well said Tone.... I am extremely lucky to have not only a supportive Brother, but supportive Sisters as well.  They are everything to me, the Rocks of my life.  Love you Fams.

The Grand Plateau- A well deserving name. This plate was filled with fresh crustaceans that were alive moments before being served to us.  1 lobster, 16 oysters, 8 shrimp, 8 clams, 9 mussels and seasonal crab totaling $110.00.  This alone won us all over, and we didn't even receive our other orders yet!  Side sauces served with our crustaceans were malt vinegar, horseradish, cocktail sauce, lemons and Tabasco.  I am literally drooling as I describe this.  If you are willing to splurge on seafood, I HIGHLY recommend this Grand Plateau.  IT WAS WORTH IT.  
Rock Shrimp with wild mushrooms and potatoes topped with buttery eggs, with brioche toast. Everyone at the table fell in lust with this dish.  The eggs were incredibility buttery, the shrimp was cooked to perfection, and wild mushrooms and potatoes were so tender and yummy!!!
Bouchon's version of Chicken and Waffles.... O....M....G.... wow, amazing, terrific, scrumptious, there are endless descriptions on how yummy this was.  Oh Bouchon... I love your twist on the southern classic of fried chicken and waffles.  Not only was this chicken roasted to perfection but the waffles had bits of bacon and chive in them.  To top off the experience, it with was served with warm maple syrup and gravy....So good.... Of course I was inspired to make my own version... which will be done this weekend! I am extremely excited about this.... Wish me luck!!!!
Since this trip was for a Bachelorette party, I couldn't stop myself from buying some very adult cupcakes.  I found this little bakery in Las Vegas called The Cupcakery, located about 25 minutes off the strip.  I thought the cupcakes were just o.k, but my cousin;s reaction to the cupcakes were priceless and well worth the money.  This cupcake pictured above was my favorite with the little crab.  I hope you all enjoy!!!  
Random photo of some Hydrangea's 
Playing around with Photoshop Express


  1. beautiful pics as usual. and those cupcakes are really cute!

  2. Thanks Cruz! The Cupcakes were cute indeed... I want to check out the cake gallery! Wanna come with?!
