Friday, April 2, 2010

First Date with Nikon D5000

I am very lucky to have such a wonderful and supportive family.  For my upcoming 25th birthday, my family gifted me a Nikon d5000.  (shout out to the Fam Bam... Thanks so much... and I love you guys so much, but you already know that...)
 I have been itching to use/play with this DSRL all week!! But I had to refrain myself, due my monstrous workload that needed to be taken care of first.  I finally had time today, so I took full advantage of my time.  I have been practicing a lot but I continue to learn a lot about the various functions on the camera.  Enjoy!

GG loves the toothpick holder... look at all those teeth!!!
On the way home from the park down the street from my Parent's house.
One of the family dogs... Q-Tip... he is a grumpy old man... but we love him...

At the park

caught the sand falling down... she did this for a few minutes

Some flowers on the way back from the Park

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