Sunday, March 28, 2010

Picnics, Parks, and Pasta

Yesterday was the big day... taking GG to the park for the very first time.  It's something my sister has been wanting to do.. and the opportunity came up where I would be able to take her.  March 27 is my Sorority's 10 year anniversary, and to celebrate with families, a picnic was thrown in honor of this special milestone.  GG fell in love with the large spaces to roam around in and the fact that there were so many other people at the picnic didn't hurt either.  I was so hungry by the time we got to the park, I didn't even think about taking some pictures of what I was eating.  Ooooo well! Below are just a few photos taken throughout the event.

GG's close up!

After roaming the park for a little bit, GG saw the playground and was determined to go there...

I was really happy and proud of GG because she was able to roam around and be social with all the various people at the picnic.  I love how this photo has my love in the background watching GG ever so closely...

A few of the Sisters were hula hopping, and GG went straight towards them wondering, "how do they do that?" and "where can I get one?" She went right in the middle of them and began dancing.  The girls were awesome sports, and placed the Hula Hoop around GG and circled around her. She liked it so much... we took all 4 hula hoops home with us... thanks to my Chi Sisters!

 There is just something about this photo that I love so much... Might be a combo of GG's joyous face, and the sandal and converse high tops in the background... I am a sucker for shoes....

Absolute joy that only swinging can bring out in someone... look at that tongue!

more swinging please!!!!

This photo is visual proof that GG loves Tony.  He stopped pushing her on the swing, and he began swinging on the other side.  She automatically repositioned herself and began looking at him while he swung.  This went on for several minutes.  

Got a last minute call from my brother, asking to push our weekly "Sunday Dinners" to tonight.  I quickly thought about something that would be yummy and fast to make.  Chicken Parmigiana, made with panko "breadcrumbs", mushrooms, tomatoes, basil,  tomato sauce with angel hair pasta. 

Herb Salad with roasted tomatoes, goat cheese and homemade balsamic vinaigrette. 

Garlic Bread with parsley on top.. yummy!

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