Monday, March 22, 2010

Good Food with some Good People

This whole week has been crazy bananas... After a long week it's nice to know I can come home and make an awesome dinner with my family. 

My brother requested crab cakes, since it had been such a long time since we have eaten them.  It was my very first time making crab cakes.. and it was pretty difficult! Mixing the ingredients together was easy, but forming them into little balls and adding the bread crumbs was a bit difficult.  I really wanted to get panko bread crumbs, but I forgot to grab some while I was at Whole Foods.  Overall, my family really liked them, but next time, I will try the crab cakes with panko and I will let them set up in the ice box for a little bit longer. 

Cajun grilled shrimp baby! The shrimp came out yummy with the various favors of the spices...

This past weekend I went to the farmers market with Tone.  I got the spicy sausage, he got the bbq tri tip, they both were satisfying.. but the winner of the whole meal... garlicky mushrooms... this when I had a foodie epiphany... how could something so small and so simple... make me so happy? I was clear... I have to share this food moment with everyone I know.  Of course, I made my own version of what I had at the farmers market... crimini mushrooms, with green onions, dab of butter and olive oil and lots of garlic! super yummy!

Gotta have our daily veggie intake!

I had fresh goat cheese for the very first time at the farmers market.. and I immidately text my good friend to tell her everything I loved about it. (My Cheese Expert) I bought some of this awesome goat cheese and went home and made a salad.  Red leaf lettuce with avocado and goat cheese with roasted tomato dressing with olive bread on the side from whole foods. 

I was invited to a Pampered Chef party my friend was hosting.  There were these amazing mini cupcakes... chocolate cupcake.. with the middle filled with chocolate frosting and topped with Irish Cream (tasted like Bailey's!) frosting.  Irish Car Bomb in cupcake form... with a Guinness to wash it down.. next time... next time

On Saturday I went to the Lakers Fan Jam in LA with some friends.  I am not a die hard Larkers fan... but they needed a photographer and I wanted a chance to do something different.  Long story short... the Lakers disappointed me... we waited an hour to get into the event... and waited an additional 4 hours to get an autograph but was turned away for no reason... I, along with hundreds of other that were in line with me, were not happy fans...I even bought a t-shirt for my niece, GG, so the players could autograph it... sorry GG.. but the Lakers organization have failed us...

<----GG with her new shirt.... no autographs included....

GG attacking me because she wanted to be the photographer...

PS- I am looking into buying a new camera... I would love to get a DSRL... any suggestions???

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